Me time. Do you get enough?


I read this blog post today, you are worth finding yourself and let me start by saying this..It is so true!  In today’s society we constantly feel like we have to defend ourselves for being the Mom we are. Why? Why do we immediately feel we have to say “I love my kids or I love being a Mom” before we start saying stuff like “I need more me time” or hell, you may just need me time period! You want just one evening a week to go workout or tan. Working is NOT me time. Taking a dump is NOT me time. To be honest i don’t feel a bubble bath while listening to your toddlers scream wanting in the bathroom me time either. I don’t feel that anything you have to do is Me time. Time for yourself is something you want to do, go read a book at a park. Go to the gym. Go tan. Join a church group. Something! My goal in 2017 is to learn to juggle my new life with a newborn and Me time.

Our daughter will be 17 next month and we now have an 8 week old little boy that we have waited years to finally have! However the age gap between the two basically has made it like it is all new, I feel like I have truly started back over. Honestly, I have had to Google shit about babies! Yes, you read that right. I had no idea how far they could see, when they should be holding their up, at what month he would start smiling and cooing. But in 8 weeks I can count on my fingers how many times I have gotten dressed, put on makeup, and left the house! Anyone who knows me, knows how incredibly insane this makes me. Bat shit crazy may be a better term. I have been able to do what I want when I wanted for many many years now so this is an adjustment. A great one!  But a HUGE one. Now here is where I feel society would say “Should’ve thought about all this before having another one”. Screw you society. Like everyone in this damn world hasn’t had to adjust to new things in their life. Don’t judge me for demanding 30 mins to an hour every other day to myself. I love having the luxury of not having to go back to work work full time, we made the choice that I would only work 3 days a week.  But just cause I do not work a full time job doesn’t mean I am not entitled to enjoy time for myself. I am a damn good Mommy, Wife, and Business Chic full time 24/7 and I am proud to say that I need Me time! If we do not get it then it creates unhappiness, frustration, animosity, etc.. With that we can’t be the best mom, wife, friend, or worker. So I have put a plan in place that I am sure will have to be adjusted along the way but it’s a start. I will start to do the things I feel I want most right now! I can’t and won’t allow myself to stay in this rut I have been in for several months!

Here is to an amazing start to 2017! I hope it will be half as good as 2016 was to us 🙂

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